ocr: aeffefdeefepeepeeedepeeeepleeeeeleepfeeeeleeefpeeepeedefeeeD C E If you have an e-mail address then consider a E E registering via e-mail. It tends to be faster a E E and more accurate than phone orders. E a C E E TO REGISTER BY PHONE a a C a C E Have a MasterCard or Visa ready. a a E Call us now at... E E a E E 1 (600)995-2564 E a E L E a E If a machine picks up (it happens!) leave a message that contains: a a E E What you are Registering L E E Your Name and Address a a E E Your CC *, its Exp. Date and the Amount to Charge. a a - E C a E If you would like to be mailed a jewel box (suitable fo ...